Company information

Representative greeting

Thank you for visiting the website of Asahi Sokki Co., Ltd. Greetings from the representative. Our company was founded in 1976 (Showa 51), and soon became a company with a history of half a century, developing and manufacturing various inspection equipment such as surface inspection and pinhole inspection. I myself joined the company in 1979 and assumed the position of representative in 2004. Since then, I have received the patronage of our customers for many years.
I have a technical background, so I am still involved in design and sometimes go out to the field. It is one of our company's strengths to cherish the work site, so we would like to continue to make use of it to create reliable quality and easy-to-use products while feeling the breath of the work site.
We are not a large company by any means, but our employees respect each other and have created many innovations. We would like to meet the expectations of our customers by continuing to take on new challenges. With a greater awareness of corporate social responsibility (CSR), we intend to do our utmost to improve the quality and stability of our products. So please continue to support Asahi Sokki.


CEO Yoshitoshi Nakayama

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